


CHMS Human Rights Document

CAS Sign

At Chippens Hill Middle School these rights apply to all persons-students and staff-and to the entire school today, including travel to and from school.

  • The right to develop one’s own personality (so long as it does not interfere with the right of others) without disrespectful criticism or pressure from cliques.
  • Freedom from physical abuse and mental abuse such as name calling, intimidation or harassment.
  • Freedom from being set apart or mocked because of race, sex, religion, physical strength, size, features, friendship groups, age, culture, handicap, financial status, clothing, classroom performance, or any other reason.
  • The right of privacy and freedom from being harassed in a classroom: the right to be treated respectfully.
  • The right to have personal and school property respected. Our school community is a safe place for property as well as people.
  • The right to an education, which means that teachers are free to teach and students are free to learn without being interrupted by inconsiderate or unruly students.
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